Ways to Get Involved
We have a lot of opportunities for you to help. You can help on an ongoing basis doing things such as helping to get out the vote by canvassing fellow democrats or phone banking, entering data in a computer, helping to set up club events. Fill out the contact form on this website or see one of the club board members at our monthly meetings for more information.
In addition, there are some one-time opportunities. Events such as marches, demonstrations, voter registration, and candidate fundraisers are listed on our events page.
Sign up for Voter Registration Training on Mobilize
Sign people up to vote by mail
Write letters to the editor of the Tampa Bay Times on specific issues.
Help translate our materials into Spanish
Sign up for Training on Mobilize to learn how to help enter voter data into the Vote Builder database
Help recruit new volunteers to canvas voters.
Canvas your neighbors to Get Out the Vote
Join a phone bank and make calls to other Democrats
Put candidate signs in your yard or elsewhere
Deliver yard signs
Help candidates fund raise by hosting a meet and greet for a candidate
Donate to a candidate
Become a poll greeter or monitor